

毗邻中央公园,距离世界上许多最重要的文化机构仅几步之遥, 一个多世纪以来,皇冠体育app-班福德学校一直是纽约最具历史意义的社区的重要组成部分. While the cityscape and community may have changed over the years, 皇冠体育app的使命始终如一:教育每一个进入我们学校的女孩的思想和心灵,并保持所有年龄段的学生在一个屋檐下的传统,以培养终身的关系. We live this mission through our innovative and adaptive curriculum, 社区主导型的生活方式, and the carefully considered spaces where we learn, 教, 一起成长. From the rooftop’s playground to the lower level’s 黑盒子剧院, 皇冠体育app是一个最先进的校舍坐落在永恒的城市建筑. 每一个入口, 每个教室的桌子, 每一个公共空间, 每个教室都经过精心设计,以优化女孩学习的最佳方式.


Nine Floors and a World of Possibilities

从实验室到休息室, sunlit terraces to photography darkrooms, and performance spaces to the makerspace, 我们校舍每层楼的每个房间都是为了点燃学生的想象力和终身学习的火焰而设计的.

  • 进入皇冠app安卓下载安装
  • 主要的教室
  • 特殊的教室
  • 社区空间



Nightingale’s iconic blue doors are the gateway into our world. 在他们上学的第一天,Mr. Burke warmly greets each kindergartner with a smile and handshake; then, a senior takes her hand to welcome her inside. This special tradition illustrates how our community supports, 挑战, and celebrates one another from a student’s first day to her last. When the moment arrives to exit the blue doors one final time, 每个即将毕业的大四学生都真正知道归属感在皇冠体育app社区的意义.


每天早上, students begin their days by walking through our song-filled lobby to the front desk, eager to be greeted by name (and often asked about their journey to school that day, 他们最期待的是什么, or about how their pets and siblings are doing). 当每天最后的钟声响起, students again pour through the lobby doors, hugging and waving before heading out to continue their days. 我们特意设计了一个入口/出口点,让学生和他们的家长和监护人, 相信他们是安全的.



皇冠体育app低年级的教室完全设在四楼,以鼓励学生的互动, 老师合作, 以及教师监督. Connected classrooms emphasize our commitment to the schoolhouse unity, with movable walls that adapt to all-grade programming as easily as small-group work. It is in these classrooms that new interests will blossom, 教师将合作, and students will begin to know every girl in their grade, initiating what for so many become lifelong friendships.


皇冠app安卓下载安装, 我们相信中学不仅仅是低年级和高年级之间的过渡, but an essential destination unto itself. 这就是为什么六楼是专门设计来接受这些完整年龄的社会情感学习的原因. Classrooms are built with space dividers that literally reconfigure with each lesson, while movable furniture assures that every student is seen and heard. 完成中学学业是中心, an innovative common space where students and 教师 ask questions, 分享想法, 互相激励.


Nightingale's 上学校 celebrates our students’ growing independence, reminding them at every turn that they are the drivers of their education. 一个大学级别的圆形剧场风格的教室设计用于公开演讲,邀请热烈的讨论和倡导自己, while Harkness-style seminar rooms foster a stimulating, 开放的学习环境. 高年级教室的设计让每个学生都能找到自己独特的声音,并让别人听到, both within the blue doors and outside them.



皇冠体育app的实验室是专门为小组实验设计的,这是科学发现的一个重要方面,也是年轻女性特别有效的学习方法. Students gather around a counter designed so that everyone can watch experiments, better for students to gather around a chemical reaction or intricate dissection, and stools are built on wheels to encourage collaboration. The Makerspace is filled with every tool a curious mind could want, 从微控制器到3D打印机. 艺术就在这里, 科学, and technology truly become one discipline far greater than the sum of its parts.


我们的表演艺术空间旨在为所有年龄和水平的学生提供一个理想的探索空间的环境, 声音, 和自我表达. The dance studio features hardwood flooring for safety and comfort, 镜面墙帮助学生完善形体,更好地融入周围环境. 为音乐家, 专门的练习室和乐器存储为每个学生提供了最适合她能力的空间. 有些房间甚至有固定的座位, creating a stage-like ambiance where artists can practice their craft before performing.


皇冠体育app的视觉艺术室是年轻人探索创造力的完美场所. 从绘画和摄影到木工和动画等学科都是由专业级设施的工作艺术家教授的. With windows facing north and frequently featuring balconies and skylights, our studios are filled with an abundance of natural light at all hours of the day. The expanded ceramics studio offers ample space to explore the medium, and the 较低的学校 studio is the ideal place for inspiring young minds.


Nightingale’s gymnasium is a space where students can exercise, play, and act their age. 位于校舍内,规定大小的健身房随着每个班级和活动而变化. The space can be divided to make room for more than one class at a time, basketball hoops can be raised or lowered for different age groups, 露天看台可以从墙上拉出来,为吵闹的主场比赛提供座位, 动员大会, 超大的组件. There is a PT room where students can receive therapy from trainers.



The 较低的学校 图书馆 is a young reader’s literary fantasy brought to life. 其异想天开的建筑细节包括一个中央树林和一个舒适的角落,配有一个圆形的窗户, creating the perfect space for students to fall in love with books forever. 中学/高中图书馆充满了来自学校原始拱形窗户的光线,并以成千上万的实体和电子卷为特色. 专门为独立学习和小组合作设计的房间使这个空间成为我们教育体验的重要组成部分.


每天午餐时间学生中心嗡嗡作响的谈话和笑声是皇冠体育app社区精神最明显的标志之一. 低年级的学生以家庭的方式分组吃饭,这样每个人都有机会更多地了解彼此, 这些年轻的学生被鼓励通过尝试每天的许多午餐选择来扩展他们的调色板. 两个人的桌子上坐满了年长的学生和老师,他们在午餐时进行了热烈的讨论, and larger diamond-shaped tables are designed to make everyone feel included.


The Nightingale auditorium hosts audiences of excited students, 教师, 从集会和演讲到大型戏剧作品,包括专业灯光和布景设计,都是父母的责任. 就像学校里的很多人一样, 空间在设计上是灵活的, 由于座位折叠到房间的后面,为更多的互动全校活动创造了一个额外的开放区域. 礼堂也是皇冠体育app学生职业生涯中一些珍贵回忆的所在地, 包括召开, 四班雏菊盛典, 八班升学典礼, 还有更多.


Simple in its design but limitless in its potential, 黑盒子剧院为所有年龄段的学生提供了一个安全开放的空间,将他们的创造力推向新的水平. 剧院功能齐全,可以容纳从幼儿园合唱到即兴舞蹈课和皇冠体育app家长协会活动等各种活动. It’s also the perfect place for especially ambitious students to write, 直接, 上演他们自己的作品, 经常打破传统礼堂表演的界限.


是否安静地学习, 开始一个新项目, or just relax with a puzzle and some chocolates, the Commons is an essential part of 上学校 life at Nightingale. 玻璃封闭的空间反映了学校本身的透明度和公共性质, 它紧邻学生生活办公室和院长办公室,教职员工可以帮助学生在轻松的环境中计划项目和活动. Commons也通往露台, where students gather to catch some vitamin D, 与朋友聚会, 上课前吃早餐.